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The Foundations of  Psychoanalytic Discourse

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The Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
with MPG consulting
presents: Winter Trimester, 2022
Continuing Education Course on Zoom
10 sessions, 15 CE Credit Hours, Tuesdays 5:45PM — 7:00PM, ( January, 25th — March,29th, 2022)

The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Discourse

Elliot Adler, PhD.,ADPP


In this 10 week course, Dr Adler will attempt to present what he believes are the fundamental understandings, beliefs and perspectives that uniquely define and organize a contemporary psychoanalytic approach to therapy. In attempting to synthesize his almost half-century of experience as a psychoanalytic clinician, he will offer a vision of the therapeutic work that is as free of jargon and tendentious theoretical bias as possible.
Traditional therapeutic concepts, such as transference, defense, resistance, counter-transference, interpretation, etc. will be considered from the way these abstract conceptualizations reflect observable events that arise and must be addressed in specific analytic contexts. A central theme that will be developed in this course will emphasize how all psychological meaning is embedded in unique contexts of experience that must first be discovered and described in communicable language in order to achieve enduring therapeutic effects.
Learning Objectives:
  1. For students to understand the specific elements of a psychoanalytic relationship that define a psychoanalytic treatment distinguished from other modes of psychotherapy.
  2. To identify ways of confirming the relevance and appropriateness of our therapeutic interventions.
  3. To provide students with a historical context within which to understand how contemporary psychoanalytic ways of approaching the work have emerged and evolved.
About Presenter:
Dr. Elliot Adler, PhD,.ABPP is a Faculty member and Senior Supervisor and Training Analyst at the Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society & Institute. He was its founding member in 1981 and was a past President in 1983 – 1985. Dr. Adler graduated from The Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Institute in 1974, and has pursued a career as a teacher, administrator, supervisor, and analytic clinician in private practice, for almost half a century. He has served as the Associate Dean of Training at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health; Director of the Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy; President of the Section on Psychoanalysis of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association, Dedicated Psychoanalytic educator and clinician, Dr. Adler has taught and contributed to psychoanalytic training and education, not only regionally but also on a national level. He has held faculty positions at many psychoanalytic training centers in New York and in the US. With co-author Janet Bachant, he published a book on technique, Working In-Depth; A Clinician’s Guide to Framework and Flexibility in the Psychoanalytic Relationship. In recent years, he has collaborated on developing a series of theatrical performances dramatizing the early history of the psychoanalytic movement.


Please use this registration form


Dates and Time
This 10 sessions Course ( Jan. 29th — March, 29th, 2022) will be offered on Tuesdays,at 5:45pm — 7;00pm,  on:
         January, 25
         February, 1, 8, 15, 22,
         March, 1 ,8, 15, 22, 29
Place: This course will be presented on Zoom
General Public Admission, $325, PPSI Member, $225, Student, $125
Make check payable to:
  The Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society-Institute ( PPSI)
Mail check to: PO Box 2031, Madison Square Station, NY, NY 10010
Include your information for registration.
  Name, Address, Tel. #, Email address, NY State License type and number, Affiliation should be included for registration.
Information Contact: Nobuko Meaders, LCSW
  < nobukomeaders@gmail.com>, Tel. #: 212-228-6988
This Program is approved for 15 CE Credit Hours.
MPG Consulting is an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Social Worker (#0119) and for Licensed Psychoanalysts(#P-0034).
MPG Consulting, LCSW,PLLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health.



January 25, 2022
5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Event Categories: