“An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living”
Psychoanalysis has played an influential part in developing new approaches to treating mental health issues.
At The Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (PPSI), you can enhance your psychoanalytic education with our unique training programs.

Who We Are
We are a community of psychoanalysts dedicated to protecting, enriching and disseminating psychoanalytic ideas and clinical practices.
Our Mission
Psychoanalytic education requires a special kind of thinking and experience to foster a better understanding of the nature of the analytic process, emotions, and the psyche. Our educational training institute strives to provide an innovative curriculum of theoretical and clinical knowledge for various psychodynamic and psychoanalytic professionals.
Becoming a psychoanalyst yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Joining our community of psychoanalytic professionals can provide you with plenty of opportunities for academic stimulation and social and networking possibilities.
Learn More About Us
The Institute of the Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society has a long and proud history dating back to the post World War II years. The original psychoanalytic institute was founded in 1945 by Lewis Wolberg, MD, and many psychoanalysts some of whom had fled Europe. The institute drew many patients to its clinic who were suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and post-war conditions impacting their lives. It was also the first psychoanalytically oriented training program that trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. We have a long history of innovation and creativity, and major leaders in the psychoanalytic world trained at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health (PCMH).
In 1981, graduates of the original Institute of the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health formed the Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society. As the field of psychoanalysis was changing due to social, economic, and academic influences - to protect and preserve the high quality of our psychoanalytic treatment, and our excellent training, our Society formed a community with the goal of safeguarding our high standards. It was prescient of the Society because in 2006 the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health ended its psychoanalytic training programs.

In 2008, The Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society and Institute was Chartered by the NY State Education Department to offer a postgraduate educational training program in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy following our tradition of excellence, and spirit of creativity, innovation, and eclecticism.
Currently, we offer a
- One-year Introductory Program in Psychotherapy. Completion of this program will allow you to continue on to the two-year Certificate Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
- Two-year Certificate Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Completion of this program will allow you to continue on to the four-year Certificate Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
- Four-year Adult Psychoanalytic Certificate Program.
*These programs are sequentially designed allowing you to move from one to another with flexibility. This is combined with an emphasis on an individualized tutorial learning process highlighting our commitment to candidates' personal needs.
In addition to those three programs, we offer the following:
- Two-year Certificate Program in Supervision and Consultation
- Two-year Certificate Program in Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy
Becoming and living the life of a psychoanalyst goes beyond career and profession. Psychoanalytic clinical practice demands a special commitment to the exploration of personal meaning, conscious or unconscious, not only of the patients but also of therapists themselves. As the clinical work and personal inner lives of psychoanalysts are intertwined, the continuous exploration of theoretical discourse and inner experiences is ongoing. The Postgraduate Community provides the Institute's candidates and graduates a home for continued participation in professional development, social and mutual support from colleagues, and opportunities for creative and generative expression.
In addition to the annual Fall Welcome Party, a social gathering of members and students together and the Spring Conference, an annual one-day scientific conference, the monthly Dialogue Programs give members opportunities for developing, presenting, sharing and exchanging innovative theoretical and clinical ideas in a supportive and collegial environment.
PPSI is a member of the International Federation of the Psychoanalytic Societies. Our members have opportunities to participate in their international conferences and publish in the International Forum of Psychoanalysis.